『Reunion with Zalbag: Meeting Zalbag at Lesalia you revealed someone was manipulating the war. But, Zalbag refused to listen, hesitant to believe his brother is involved in the Princess' abduction. Later, news of 'T. G. Cid' and the Nanten breaking through Dougola Pass is announced... 』
[Ramza walks into an office in the Lesalian capital. Zalbag sits at his desk, reading a book.]ZALBAG: What's wrong? Why aren't you sitting?
[Zalbag looks up.]
ZALBAG: I was surprised to know you're in Lesalia. Alma's here, too. See her before you go.
[He returns to his book.]
RAMZA: Brother...
RAMZA: Can you stop the war?
ZALBAG: Don't be ridiculous!
[Ramza walks up to the table at which Zalbag sits.]
RAMZA: What's the purpose? Beoulves have fought to protect the people, not royalty. But now, they're fighting for self-interest...
ZALBAG: You don't know anything!
RAMZA: You don't understand, brother! This battle's someone's plot! Someone's using Larg and Goltana!!
[Zalbag turns to him.]
ZALBAG: Using...? What are you talking about?
[Ramza lowers his head.]
RAMZA: I don't know much either..... Dycedarg tried to kidnap the princess to keep Goltana from the throne. But someone took the Princess to Goltana. If she was killed then, Goltana would have been killed as a traitor.
[Zalbag stands suddenly.]
ZALBAG: Dycedarg planned the kidnap? [sic] Ramza! You're saying your own brother came up with such a plot!?
[Ramza is taken aback.]
RAMZA: Don't you know anything!?
ZALBAG: You fool!! Don't you trust your flesh? Get out! Go back to Igros!!
[Ramza raises his hands as he leans towards him.]
RAMZA: Don't you believe me?!
ZALBAG: How am I supposed to believe an irreverent kid like you! I've cared about you being my half-brother but, after all bad blood is bad blood. Not suitable for a Beoulve!
RAMZA: ... Zalbag...
[A knight in Hokuten colors rushes into the room.]
HOKUTEN KNIGHT: Your Excellency! I was told 'T.G. Cid' broke through Doguola Pass!
[Both men turn to him.]
ZALBAG: What!? I thought they were at Bethla! We'll have an assembly! Tell everyone to join!! I'll be there, too!!
KNIGHT: Yes, sir!
[The knight leaves, with Zalbag following him.]